Vegetarian vs Non Vegetarian in Hinduism | You Become What You Eat


Phra Julien – a monk's life

This is an episode from the feature documentary "The Odd Monk"


A Promise of Light | Sri Daya Mata

A talk given at the 1993 SRF World Convocation in Los Angeles as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Paramahansa Yogananda’s birth. Sri Daya Mata was the president of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India from 1955 until her passing in 201


From US Marine to Zen Monk

Scott Mangis is a former US Marine who now lives his life as a Zen monk near Tokyo, Japan. We explore Scott's life story and path that lead him to completely change his way of living.


Tat Wale Baba Himalayan Yogi -

Tatawale Baba- his only discourse audio available. I have tried my best to do English translation but not perfect. The discourse is deeply spiritual so may not get understood by all. Discourse is in Hindi so I haven’t made sub titles in Hindi. Though I have tried to write down what he spoke. Again sometimes it is not very clear what he spoke due to poor audio and his punjabi scent and my Hindi not so pure. Nevertheless I have made an effort.


Nietzsche and Psychology: How To Become Who You Are

In this video we shed light on what it means to "become who you are", and in the process, explore some of Nietzsche's fascinating psychological insights.


The Psychology of Self-Transformation

In this video, relying on the ideas of thinkers such as Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow and Ralph Waldo Emerson, we examine how we can change ourselves so as to live more fulfilling lives.


Existential Psychotherapy: Death, Freedom, Isolation, Meaninglessness

In this video we introduce existential psychotherapy, which proposes that many psychological disorders are the result of the individual's inability to reconcile themselves to ultimate concerns such as death, meaninglessness, freedom, and isolation.


5 Important Questions No One Knows The Answers To

There is so much known about humanity and the life we inhabit, but there is so, so much more unknown. It is humbling and sometimes a little scary to recognize how much we still don't understand about ourselves. Everyday we do and experience things without a clue as to what is happening or why it's happening.


The awakening - Interview with Rahelio

Rahelio, spiritual teacher, and shamanic guide, shares his background as a Toltec and native American. He explains how the Toltec wisdom helped him discover the true nature of reality, and describes how to master the Toltec agreements. He defines why the Earth is a living being, and why we are now experiencing a spiritual awakening.

There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the Higgs field, dark energy and a thousand other names throughout history.

My name is Bill W.

Based on the true story of Bill W., James Woods - in an Emmy award-winning performance - plays the successful stock broker whose life falls apart after the stock crash of the 1920's.


The Last Temptation of Christ

The life of Jesus Christ, his journey through life as he faces the struggles all humans do, and his final temptation on the cross.

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The Buddha

The story of the life of the Buddha, an Indian sage who gained enlightenment as he sat under a fig tree. Richard Gere narrates.


Introduction to Kierkegaard Parts 1&2

In this video we summarize Kierkegaard's 3 life-views, the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious, and their appropriateness for the eradication of despair. We investigate his ideas on faith, and portray the individual he called the "knight of faith".