Poster Details Explained
What is the “me”?
The “me” is the center of the conditioned mind.. It has several characteristics such as (1) the pursuer of pleasure
(2) the pursuer of power (3) the pursuer of financial security (4) pursuer of beauty (5) pursuer of knowledge (6) pursuer of enlightenment....Seeker of leverage (power).... Survivalist, warrior, scholar, artist (writer, painter, sculptor, etc.), sybarite, party animal, monk, priest, miser, philanthropist, etc......
The aim of meditation is to break away from the “me” (if not dissolve it.....)
What is Nirvana? What does being awakened mean? How does it manifest itself?
Nirvana means extinguished desire. If each desire is a candle then extinguished means snuffing the candle. This is an experimental method of visualization.
Being “awakened” simply means knowledge of self or mind by way of direct observation. This is what “satori” is about. It is a moment in one’s development that is truly unforgettable. Fragmentation, at least for that instant, falls away. One is truly “together”.
By the same token, the “sleeping” mind is basically in survival mode. Fragmentation is the key characteristic. This fragmentation is most likely caused by competing with other me’s for what are perceived as the goals of daily life such as capital, property, and prestige.
Can one truly “break thru” to the other side? My answer is “yes, but.”
The “but” means that one has to be very lucky as well as have the willingness to work on this. The positive is that progress is constant even if not dramatic. Yesterday is no longer desirable.
Nostalgia ceases. Tomorrow is just a mirage. It can definitely be called a “trudge”.